General FAQ’s
This event takes place between the 7th-9th of June, 2022 at the Truman Brewery in Shoreditch, London. The address is: The Boiler House, 152 Brick Lane, London, E1 6RU.
The Boiler House has the most central Shoreditch location, and can be easily reached by bus, rail, tube or on foot. The venue benefits from close access to all forms of public transport. Liverpool Street and Shoreditch High Street stations are a short distance away.
This is an 18+ event. We encourage you to enjoy yourself and consume responsibly.
Due to the very limited availability, tickets will be limited to online advanced purchases only.
Yes, there will be light hors d’oeuvres served for Trade Guests and the Consumer Tickets includes artisanal cuisine and dishes prepared in a safe and hygienic manner.
We want everyone to be comfortable at our event and encourage chic, business casual. We do ask that you do not wear any perfume and/or cologne as they can overpower the smell of the wine and some attendees may have fragrance allergies.
Safety Information
The safety of our participants and staff are our highest priority. The consensus among global health authorities is that full vaccination provides the strongest protection against COVID-19 variants. In consideration of your fellow participants, all staff at the event will be fully vaccinated.
We will be limiting capacity at each event for the comfort and safety of our attendees and guests.
Sustainable Strategy
Eureka! has been developed with a sustainable mantra at its core. We wanted to ensure environmentalism was always in mind whilst creating our event, which is why we have taken simple steps to be as green as possible. Technology is a key player in all our event zones, which means we could save some trees and go paperless (or as far as possible!). Paper tasting mats have been replaced by vinyl reusable table mats. Wine catalogues have gone digital using Bottlebooks technology and any paper or materials used for infographic displays are 100% recycled. Not only does a paperless event sound appealing to the planet, but it also provides an easier platform to share and re-use data after the event has finished.
All wine bottles and corks from this event are being recycled with ‘Recorked’, the UK’s only wine and champagne recycling program. Our caterer, Social Panty, is on a journey to become the first zero-waste caterer in London. Even our staff hotel, 100 Shoreditch has sustainable practices at its core. And all of this we are measuring with TRACE, our carbon calculator, to help us reduce waste and the environmental impact of our event.
Yes! Eureka! is 100% paperless so we are taking full advantage of using QR code technology across all event zones. If you find yourself running low on power, we have charging stations so you can continue to discover without limitation.
After your Virtual Vineyard session, we will provide you with one wine glass for your tastings throughout the event. This small change will conserve thousands of gallons of water typically used to clean glassware. Thank you for doing your part in helping our environment.
Contact Us
If you need to get in touch, please feel free to email info@eurekacaliforniawines.com and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.