
Please complete the form below to confirm your table package purchase.

Table selection

Please select your table package

Platinum Table

£25,000 + VAT
Limited Availability

·  Main table with Wolseley C suite member as guest

·  Charity walk headline sponsor

·  Auction sponsorship

·  Accommodation onsite included for all guests

·  Main headline sponsor on all relevant collateral for charity ball

Gold Table

£20,000 + VAT
Limited Availability

·  Table with close proximity to stage with Wolseley LT member as guest

·  Auction sponsorship

·  Charity walk day sponsor

·  Accommodation onsite included for all guests

·  Sponsor on charity ball collateral

Silver Table

£10,000 + VAT

·  Charity ball Table

·  Walk leg sponsor

·  Sponsor on charity ball collateral

Bronze Table

£5,000 + VAT

·  5 guests for charity ball


By completing your registration, you agree to making full payment. Wolseley will invoice you directly in due course.
If you would like to use an alternative form of payment, please liaise directly with your main contact at Wolseley.